"GFJ Commentary" introduces news analyses and opinions in Japan on the Relations of Japan with the rest of the world, but they do not represent the views of GFJ as an institution.
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The Structure of U.S. Two-Party Politics and the 2024 Election
March 18, 2025
No.123 |
The Reelection of Mr. Trump and Its Geopolitical Impact
NISHIMURA Mutsuyoshi
November 20, 2024
No.122 |
Foreign Policy Luncheon Paper: Food Security in the World and in Japan
HOMMA Masayoshi
October 1, 2024
No.121 |
The Transformation of Northeast Asia and the Construction of Future Japan–China Relations
June 26, 2024
No.120 |
The Changing Situation in Northeast Asia and Japan–China Relations
June 25, 2024
No.119 |
A New Geopolitical Horizon Over Eurasia: In praise of Pax Eurasiana
NISHIMURA Mutsuyoshi
May 13, 2024
No.118 |
Light and Shadow of Being the Land of in between
March 29, 2024
"The Global Forum of Japan(GFJ) E-Letter" is delivered electronically bimonthly, free of
charge, to readers in the world interested in Japanese thinking on relations of Japan with the rest
of the world and other related.
international affairs by the Global Forum on Japan (GFJ),
private membership organization in Japan for policy-oriented international exchanges.
The Japan-China Dialogue "The Changing International Order in Northeast Asia : The Future of Japan-China Relations"
The Global Forum of Japan (GFJ), Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies (WICCS) and The Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR), organized The Japan-China Dialogue "The Changing International Order in Northeast Asia : The Future of Japan-China Relations" on June, 2024 in Tokyo.
Twelfth Tokyo Dialogue of "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue on “Connectivity with Central Asia and the Caucasus”
On March 15th, the Twelfth Tokyo Dialogue of the "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue, on the theme of "Connectivity with Central Asia and the Caucasus" was held jointly by the Global Forum of Japan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Dialogue with the World "New World Order and the Indo-Pacific"
The Global Forum of Japan (GFJ), Western Sydney University and The Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR), organized the Dialogue with the World "New World Order and the Indo-Pacific" on December, 2019 in Tokyo...more
- March 18
GFJ Commentary:
The Structure of U.S. Two-Party Politics and the 2024 Election - December 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2024, Vol. 17, No. 6 (Issue 107) - November 20,
GFJ Commentary:
The Reelection of Mr. Trump and Its Geopolitical Impact - October 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2024, Vol. 17, No. 5 (Issue 106) - October 1,
GFJ Commentary:
Foreign Policy Luncheon Paper: Food Security in the World and in Japan - August 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2024, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Issue 105) - June 26
GFJ Commentary:
The Transformation of Northeast Asia and the Construction of Future Japan–China Relations - June 25
GFJ Commentary:
The Changing Situation in Northeast Asia and Japan–China Relations - June 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2024, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Issue 104) - May 13
GFJ Commentary:
A New Geopolitical Horizon Over Eurasia: In praise of Pax Eurasiana - April 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 April 2024, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Issue 103) - March 29
GFJ Commentary:
Light and Shadow of Being the Land of in between - February 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 February 2024, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Issue 102) - December 29
GFJ Commentary:
Weakening Hegemony and Increasing Polarization in Africa - December 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2023, Vol. 16, No. 6 (Issue 101) - October 1
GFJ Commentary:
Emerging Developments in Nagorno-Karabakh (Updates Following Recent Report) - October 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2023, Vol. 16, No. 5 (Issue 100) - September 1
GFJ Commentary:
Shifting Diplomacy with China - August 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2023, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Issue 99) - July 26
GFJ Commentary:
Global South and Japan: Toward a new multipolar strategy - June 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2023, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Issue 98) - May 29
GFJ Commentary:
The War in Ukraine and Western Sanctions on Russia: Their Effects and Challenges - May 15
- Twelfth Tokyo Dialogue of "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue on “Connectivity with Central Asia and the Caucasus”
- April 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 April 2023, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Issue 97) - March 24
GFJ Commentary:
How Should Japan Respond to the Chinese Reconnaissance Balloons? - February 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 February 2023, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Issue 96) - January 31
GFJ Commentary:
Can we transform the worst global crisis since World War 2 into an opportunity for a Japanese renaissance? - December 5
GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2022, Vol. 15, No. 6 (Issue 95) - November 30
GFJ Commentary:
The collapse of the Draghi administration in Italy and the significance of the 2022 general election - October 4
GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2022, Vol. 15, No. 5 (Issue 94) - October 1
GFJ Commentary:
Reflections on Japan's vision of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” - August 2
GFJ E-Letter
2 August 2022, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Issue 93) - July 22
GFJ Commentary:
To Overcome This Once-in-a-Century Crisis of War and Plague - June 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2022, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Issue 92) - June 1
GFJ Commentary:
Do not be disturbed by the “suspension” of peace treaty negotiations with Russia
Ideal opportunity for completely breaking away from the policy of Russian appeasement - April 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 April 2022, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Issue 91) - March 8
GFJ Commentary:
Russian Aggression against Ukraine: Message to Japan - February 7
GFJ E-Letter
7 February 2022, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Issue 90) - February 6
GFJ Commentary:
There was no promise of NATO non-expansion: Myth made by Putin - December 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2021, Vol. 14, No. 6 (Issue 89) - December 1
GFJ Commentary:
Recommendations for Responding to the Current Situation in Afghanistan: From the Perspective of an Expert on Central Asia - October 1
GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2021, Vol. 14, No. 5 (Issue 88) - September 26
GFJ Commentary:
Creating a Sustainable and Fair Competitive Environment through Digital Transformation (DX): Opportunities and Challenges for EU–Japan Cooperation - September 25
GFJ Commentary:
The European Green Deal and the Young Next Generation - July 30
GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2021, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Issue 87) - July 29
GFJ Commentary:
The EU's "Indo-Pacific Strategy" and Key Points for the Future - June 21
GFJ Commentary:
REurasian Dynamism and U.S. Diplomacy: A Study of Supply Chains for Mineral Resources - June 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 June, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Issue 86) - May 30
- GFJ Commentary:
REurasian Dynamism and U.S. Diplomacy: A Study of Supply Chains for Mineral Resources - May 15
- GFJ Commentary:
Russia Making Inroads into US-China Power Struggle: Mask Diplomacy as a Case Example - May 7
- GFJ Commentary:
Cyber Great Game and Two Heartlands - April 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 April, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Issue 85) - March 31
- GFJ Commentary:
Future of the Nuclear Arms Control and its Impact on Japan - February 26
- GFJ Commentary:
President Mori's Statement and Gender Equality - February 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 February, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Issue 84) - January 6
- GFJ Commentary:
A Perspective on “China in the Eurasia Geo-politics/economics” - December 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2020, Vol. 13, No. 6 (Issue 83) - October 28
- GFJ Commentary:
What Brings the High Approval Rate of the Suga Cabinet? - October 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2020, Vol. 13, No. 5 (Issue 82) - August 30
- GFJ Commentary:
Space Development and Its Basic Research - July 31
- GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2020, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Issue 81) - June 12
- GFJ Commentary:
Political Season for China is Under Way: Highlights of the 13th National People's Congress in 2020 - June 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2020, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Issue 80) - April 28
- GFJ Commentary:
Now is the time for Japan to adopt a true ‘Insight Diplomacy’ - March 31
- GFJ E-Letter
1 April 2020, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Issue 79) - February 28
- The Dialogue with the World "New World Order
and the Indo-Pacific"
■Conference Papers - February 27
- Japan- East Asia Dialogue "Towards Building
a Sustainable Society in East Asia"
■Report - February 25
- GFJ Commentary:
Financial Power over Nuke Power, New US Strategy - January 31
- GFJ E-Letter
1 February 2020, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Issue 78) - December 31
- GFJ Commentary:
There’s Something Only WTO Can Do - November 29
- GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2019, Vol. 12, No. 6 (Issue 77) - October 25
- GFJ Commentary:
Thought from the Financial Crisis in Argentina - October 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2019, Vol. 12, No. 5 (Issue 76) - August 29
- GFJ Commentary:
Japan Should Engage Hearts and Minds of International Community Including Koreans - August 15
- The Japan-China Dialogue "Towards building
New Japan-China Relations"
■Conference papers - August 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2019, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Issue 75) - June 10
- GFJ Commentary:
“Reiwa” as an Era of “Beautiful Harmony” or “Order and Peace Under the Rule of Law” - June 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2019, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Issue 74) - May 31
- The Japan - Indo-Pacific Dialogue
■Outline of Discussion - April 25
- GFJ Commentary:
Japan-Korea Relations May Not Need An Easy Mending - April 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 February 2019, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Issue 73) - April 1
- The Japan-U.S. Dialogue "U.S.-China "New
Cold War"?:
Implications for Japan and the United States"
■Conference papers - February 25
- GFJ Commentary:
A Clear ‘No’ to Unprepared Immigration Policy - February 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 February 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Issue 72) - February 1
- The Japan - Indo-Pacific Dialogue
■Conference papers - December 25
- GFJ Commentary:
The Northern Territories Issue Still No Signs of Headway - December 12
- The Dialogue with the World
■Conference papers(Russian) - December 12
- The Dialogue with the World
■Conference papers(Japanese) - November 30
- GFJ E-Letter
1 December 2018, Vol. 11, No. 6 (Issue 71) - October 26
- GFJ Commentary:
What Japan Needs to be Careful of Japan-China Cooperation on BRI - October 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 October 2018, Vol. 11, No. 5 (Issue 70) - August 28
- GFJ Commentary:
The Presence of Britain the Maritime Empire and China’s Ambition - August 9
- The Dialogue with the World
■BLACKWILL's Keynote speech - August 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 August 2018, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Issue 69) - August 1
- The Dialogue with the World
■Conference papers - July 5
- Strategic Dialogue with Central Asia
■Conference Materials - June 22
- GFJ Commentary:
Eurasia’s Comeback as the Pivot of the World Order: Its Meaning and Significance - June 1
- GFJ E-Letter
1 June 2018, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Issue 68) - April 23
- GFJ Commentary:
Ambivalent China-Russia Relations in Eurasia - March 30
- GFJ E-Letter
1 April 2018, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Issue 67) - March 29
- The Dialogue with the World
■Outline of Discussions - March 12
- The Japan-U.S. Dialogue
■Conference Papers - February 28
- The Dialogue with the World
■Conference Papers - February 1
- The Global Forum of Japan (GFJ) E-Letter
1 February 2018, Vol. 11, No. 1
Twelfth Tokyo Dialogue of "Central Asia plus Japan"
Dialogue on “Connectivity with Central Asia and the Caucasus”
On March 15th, the Twelfth Tokyo Dialogue of the "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue, on the theme of "Connectivity with Central Asia and the Caucasus" was held jointly by the Global Forum of Japan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....more